The Myths about Blow drying

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There’s many myths out there saying how we shouldn’t blow dry our hair, how it would ruin our curls or it’ll burn our hair. Well let me tell you that’s just a myth. Blow Drying it’s like everything else the improper use of it, will be damaging, but if you follow the right techniques it wont do any harm. The best solution it’s to follow the steps and applying the correct products to protect your hair. The best solution to this is to visit your hair stylist, no matter how hard you try to give yourself a blowout, it can’t never be compared to getting it professionally done. But if you decide to take matters into your own hands, here are a few steps to take.

  1. It’s very crucial you find the correct shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. It’s always recommended to buy non-sulfate and paraben hair products. SULFATE---Sulfate are detergents found in most hair products or skin products, but you can also find it in household cleaners. Hairstylist recommend the use of non sulfate products because is more beneficial to your hair and scalp. Using sulfate products will make your hair dryer and scalp itchy and flaky, it will strip color and other types of chemical services. PARABEN--- There’s many types of Parabens. It’s said that parabens can be absorb through your skin, which it can be harmful to your body. Just like sulfate products, it can cause dryness, hair loss, and color fading. But it’s there really products that are 100% sulfate-paraben free? Some studies have shown, that to some extent sulfate is used on shampoos to create the lather.

  2. It is crucial to apply a good hair protection cream before applying heat. This will form a barrier between your hair and the heat from your styling tools. One I always recommend it’s Olaplex no.6 and Olaplex no.7

3. Don’t forget to untangle your hair before the blowout, find the correct brush for your hair type. I always recommend round brushes. It’s always better to part your hair in sections and begin blow drying your hair from the bottom up. Before proceeding to the next partition make sure hair is completely dry, otherwise hair will become frizzy and the style won't last. A good Blowout will last between 4 to 7 days, sometimes longer, all depends on the home care. I recommend using a silk cap or a silk pillow case to keep hair from tangling and becoming frizzy.

In conclusion, blow drying your hair once every two weeks, won’t cause any damages at all, if proper steps are followed.


What can you expect from a Dominican Blowout!


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